
Episode 64: Controlling How You and Your Brand Show up On Google with Jason Barnard, Digital Nomad

Imperfect Marketing Podcast Artwork with photos of Kendra Corman and Jason Barnard as they discuss ways you can control how Google represents your brand.

Episode 64: Controlling How You and Your Brand Show up On Google with Jason Barnard, Digital Nomad

In this episode of Imperfect Marketing, I had the honor of speaking with a Digital Nomad, Jason Barnard.

Jason is not just a digital marketing expert; he has been a cartoon blue dog and is a musician with the double bass as his specialty. When we recorded, I got a chance to look around his music room, and it was pretty cool to see all of his instruments.

Basically, we talked about the importance of Google SERPs or Search Engine Result Pages for YOU and your business or organization.

Two big takeaways:

  1. Educate Google and give them a consistent message about who you are.
  2. Think about the customer experience.

Google is sending their customers to you; if they have a good experience, they will send them back. If they don’t, they won’t.

The thought process of Google sending me their customers in search totally blew my mind. I never really thought about it that way.

So many of my customers ask, “how do we rank on page one? What do we need to do?”

But suppose you flip your thinking to the problem you solve and instead focus on adding value for the visitors that Google sends you. In that case, it takes you further away from games and more toward what you should be thinking about—creating a great user experience for the visitors that come to your site, from Google or anywhere.

Click here to access the transcript and follow along!

Want to connect with Jason Barnard, digital marketing, musician, and former blue dog in a cartoon? Click here!

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