
Episode 13: Be True to Your Brand

Would you try Colgate Lasagna? It's time to discuss branding!

Episode 13: Be True to Your Brand

What are you willing to do for your brand?

Welcome back, and thank you for tuning into another Imperfect Marketing Brief! These shorter episodes focus on helping you learn from others’ mistakes and do better marketing.

A friend of mine recently shared that she lip-synced in reels on her Instagram account. They got great engagement BUT offended some of her regular followers.


She followed trends that did not fit her brand. Since then, she removed the reels and has decided to stay true to herself, even if it costs her some business in the short run.


That is so powerful. I LOVE that she has taken that stand, and I encourage you to do the same. First, define who you are and what your brand represents, then stay true to yourself.

If that means lip-syncing on TikTok, that’s awesome, but it’s also okay if it doesn’t.

Build your brand and stay true to it!


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